Our Emergency First-Aid Bag (E-FAB)
fits handily inside your hard hat.

Why E-FAB?

Protecting your personnel

The workforce is the most valuable asset a company has. If medical support is more than a few minutes away can you ensure their welfare?

Remote workers labour in high-risk situations; it may be high up on scaffolding, on an offshore installation, near speeding vehicles on motorways and railways, or suspended high in the air carrying out rope access activities.

When an accident occurs it is imperative that emergency equipment is near to hand.

Photo of the E-Fab in use

First aid always within reach

The E-FAB is the one piece of kit that goes with you everywhere you work.

If it is part of your everyday PPE it will always be with you and could make the difference; it could mean reacting calmly in an emergency situation instead of panicking. It could be the one thing ensuring you return home to your family.

Photo of various hats with installed E-FABs

Why E-FAB?

Protecting your personnel

The workforce is the most valuable asset a company has. If medical support is more than a few minutes away can you ensure their welfare?

Remote workers labour in high-risk situations; it may be high up on scaffolding, on an offshore installation, near speeding vehicles on motorways and railways, or suspended high in the air carrying out rope access activities.

When an accident occurs it is imperative that emergency equipment is near to hand.

First aid always within reach

The E-FAB is the one piece of kit that goes with you everywhere you work.

If it is part of your everyday PPE it will always be with you and could make the difference; it could mean reacting calmly in an emergency situation instead of panicking. It could be the one thing ensuring you return home to your family.

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